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About Etude Derville

Etude Derville is an agency in Lausanne 27. The postal address is Av. d'Ouchy 14, Case postale 1211, 1001 Lausanne. On Advokatguiden Etude Derville has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Bodily injury, murder, assault, abuse, mistreatment, violence, theft, robbery, damage, defense attorney, legal aid, police, police interrogation, drugs, drunk driving, fraud, family violence, incest, neglect

Traffic rules, damage liability, alcohol or drug abuse, speed limit, driving licence

Employer, employee, rights, duties, company, working hours, occupational safety, OR, ArG, SECO

Premises, locations

Environmental protection, water protection, forest protection, nature conservation, USG, environmental management, environmental considerations

Will, death, assets, inheritance, settlement of inheritance, estate administration, prenuptial agreement

Use of space, area, living space, spatial planning, building law, local planning, engineering plan, use planning

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