SPIESS+PARTNER AG Büro für Baurecht is an agency in Zürich. The postal address is Kirchenweg 5, 8034 Zürich. On Advokatguiden SPIESS+PARTNER AG Büro für Baurecht has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews.
Premises, locations
Public law, public procurement, submission, allocation, supply, service, construction work, tender, basis of competition, procurement, purchasing, tender, tender processes
Things, property, property development
Order, service provider, consultant, development contract, contract negotiation, delivery contract
Contract, sales contract, purchase contract, property rights
Money claims, claims, process, procedure, construction disputes, legal disputes, family disputes, negotiations, legal process, testimony
Land owner, building permit holder, build, purchase, sale, property registration, building defects
Use of space, area, living space, spatial planning, building law, local planning, engineering plan, use planning
Social security schemes, sickness rights, treatment
Doctor and patient relationship, doctor and hospital liability, maltreatment, self-determination, access,
Kirchenweg 5
8034 Zürich