Overall score

About Leiser & Beutler, Notariat und Advokatur

Leiser & Beutler, Notariat und Advokatur is an agency in Ostermundigen. The postal address is Bernstrasse 61, Postfach, 3072 Ostermundigen. On Advokatguiden Leiser & Beutler, Notariat und Advokatur has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Things, property, property development

Corporate responsibility, shareholder responsibility, management, equity, commercial, business development, start-up, reporting, corporate management, business sale, acquisition, establishment, board of directors, shares

Contract, sales contract, purchase contract, property rights

Tax liability, tax status, profit,

Income tax, business income, investment income, property tax, tax advice, audit, book review, tax voucher, equation,

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