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About Sameli Thür Rechtsanwälte

Sameli Thür Rechtsanwälte is an agency in Zürich. The postal address is Bahnhofstrasse 58, 8001 Zürich. On Advokatguiden Sameli Thür Rechtsanwälte has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Divorce, spouses, divorce dispute

Income tax, business income, investment income, property tax, tax advice, audit, book review, tax voucher, equation,

Imprisoned abroad, child abduction, international rights

Tax liability, tax status, profit,

Doctor and patient relationship, doctor and hospital liability, maltreatment, self-determination, access,

Product, consequential damages, liability

Old-age and survivors' insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, accident insurance

Bodily injury, murder, assault, abuse, mistreatment, violence, theft, robbery, damage, defense attorney, legal aid, police, police interrogation, drugs, drunk driving, fraud, family violence, incest, neglect

Protection, upbringing, protective measures

Debt enforcement, monetary claims, creditor, debtor, debt collection

Money claims, claims, process, procedure, construction disputes, legal disputes, family disputes, negotiations, legal process, testimony

Premises, locations

Employer, employee, rights, duties, company, working hours, occupational safety, OR, ArG, SECO

Residence, cohabitant, cohabitation agreement

Will, death, assets, inheritance, settlement of inheritance, estate administration, prenuptial agreement

Energy supply, energy sources, energy industry, power development, power delivery

Parentage, paternity, adoption, maintenance obligation, child division

StPO, procedure, process, sentence, summons, fines, prison

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