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About Schmid Sutter Rechtsanwälte AG

Schmid Sutter Rechtsanwälte AG is an agency in Dübendorf. The postal address is Ueberlandstrasse 103, 8600 Dübendorf. On Advokatguiden Schmid Sutter Rechtsanwälte AG has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Order, service provider, consultant, development contract, contract negotiation, delivery contract

Premises, locations

Contract, sales contract, purchase contract, property rights

administrative, authorities, public, administrative authorities

Land owner, building permit holder, build, purchase, sale, property registration, building defects

Environmental protection, water protection, forest protection, nature conservation, USG, environmental management, environmental considerations

Public law, public procurement, submission, allocation, supply, service, construction work, tender, basis of competition, procurement, purchasing, tender, tender processes

Will, death, assets, inheritance, settlement of inheritance, estate administration, prenuptial agreement

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