Baudacci Nigg Stenberg Rechtsanwälte is an agency in Zürich. The postal address is Zinnengasse 1, Postfach, 8021 Zürich. On Advokatguiden Baudacci Nigg Stenberg Rechtsanwälte has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews.
Insurance disputes, insurance compensation, compensation assessment, insurance claims, insurance brokerage
Product, consequential damages, liability
Shipping, freight forwarding, goods movement, mode of transport, logistics, road transport, train transport, taxi licence
Airspace, airplanes, air traffic
Breakdown, ship repair, ship financing, ship insurance
Money claims, claims, process, procedure, construction disputes, legal disputes, family disputes, negotiations, legal process, testimony
Employer, employee, rights, duties, company, working hours, occupational safety, OR, ArG, SECO
Corporate responsibility, shareholder responsibility, management, equity, commercial, business development, start-up, reporting, corporate management, business sale, acquisition, establishment, board of directors, shares
Debt enforcement, monetary claims, creditor, debtor, debt collection
Large risks, risk diversification, risk balance
Compensation, tort, non-contractual
SCAI, ASA, arbitral seat
Zinnengasse 1, Postfach
8021 Zürich